The Perfect Deal Process Masterclass

Master the science of Attracting, Engaging, Closing, and Scaling

Unlock the Formula for B2B SaaS Success

Master the science of Attracting, Engaging, Closing, and Scaling

Apply now to join 100's of software leaders around the world in the SaaS Masterclass.

You know you have a winning SaaS product to compete in the marketplace but you just haven’t figured out the sales part… YET!

Now you just need the proven strategies and tools to make that your reality.

Because let’s face it - you and your business deserve more than...

Subpar Demo Presentations

Never creating the emotional engagement you need to turn prospective buyers into an enthusiastic “YES”

Missing MMR Goals 

Another month of not hitting your monthly goals and wondering how much longer can the business survive

Ineffective Closing Conversations

Dreading sales conversations and lacking the confidence to close sales and deliver the results
your business needs

Inconsistent Prospecting

Stressing over how to generate new sales conversations and lacking a consistent pipeline
of high-quality leads

You have the potential to sell with confidence, grow your SaaS business, become an industry icon, and live life on your own terms.

But here's the thing... it's impossible to reach your sales goals
when you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing to...





That’s why I created the
SaaS Masterclass…

A guided program combining coaching and community
to help get SaaS founders to their sales goals FAST!

A guided program combining coaching and community to help get SaaS founders to their sales goals FAST!

In the SaaS Masterclass, I break down the strategies and tools I used to get exponential growth for me and my clients in 6 easy to follow modules!

Work directly with me to get you where you need to go. I will help you create real action towards achieving your sales and business goals by showing you the path to success and holding you accountable along the way.

This private community is filled with driven SaaS founders who are on this journey with you and passionate about realizing their big business goals. They will be a constant reminder that you have a collaborative network of support on your journey.

In the Perfect Deal Process Masterclass, I break down the strategies and tools I used to get exponential growth for me and my clients in 6 easy to follow modules!

These weekly group calls are dedicated to YOU and your progress. I will help you create real action towards achieving your sales and business goals by answering any questions you have and holding you accountable along the way.

This private community is filled with driven SaaS founders who are on this journey with you and passionate about realizing their big business goals. They will be a constant reminder that you have a network of support on your journey.

Plus, when you join, you will get access to the course modules, special events, and membership in the exclusive SaaS Founders' community.

Plus, when you enroll, you will get access to the course modules and any updates and membership in the private community for a FULL YEAR!

The best part is... The SaaS Masterclass is specifically designed to get you to your SaaS sales goals in 6 weeks or less!

The program is built on proven strategies that have worked for me
and other top SaaS founders in the world - so there is no more
guessing or wasting time, energy, and money!

The program is built on proven strategies that have worked for me and other top SaaS founders in the world - so there is no more guessing or wasting time, energy, and money!

Here are the results of those who have completed the program

Quadrupled Close Rates from 5% to 20%

"Our team is handling their sales calls more confidently and we're closing deals we wouldn't have closed before."
"We went from closing 1 out of 20 calls to closing 1 out of 5 calls."
"This program is what prevented us from failing."
"If you feel lost on sales or if sales is a challenge, I would implore you to work with Matt."
- Jim Knapp, Lightstance

$0k to over $30k after just 1 month AND Closed 3 deals in a row

"Thanks to Matt I closed 3 deals way before I even finished the program."
"I immediately improved my demos gaining confidence."
"The program is 100% customer oriented he overdelivered on value with tons of care."
"Working with Matt was the best and easiest thing I have ever done."
- Olivier Jacinto, SalesPlanet

Closed a $9,000 Deal After 2 Weeks of the Course AND Closed a $10,000 Deal After Week 3

"Enrolling in this Masterclass with Matt was the best decision I've made sales-wise."
"I had no sales experience at all... I don't know how he does it, it's mind blowing!"
"If you're looking to step up your sales program, get in touch with him."
"He's super friendly and relaxed. He's there for you all the time."
- Jonas Alves, A/B Smartly

Increased Demo Close Rate From 3% to 30% AND Increased Booked Demo Calls From 1 to 15/wk

"I definitely recommend working with Matt."
"We've almost 10x our close rate from working with you."
"We are now largely profitable, which wasn't the case before."
"If you need help with selling, contact Matt. For us it has been a gamechanger."
- Grégory Stoos,

Ready for results like these?

If you’re ready to step up and accelerate the growth
of your SaaS business - here's what to do next...

If you're ready to STEP UP and ACCELERATE the growth of your SaaS Business -Here's what to do next...

Click the "Apply Now" button

Schedule your Breakthrough Session & fill out a pre-call form

Talk to myself or a member of my team

Master attracting, engaging, closing, and scaling

Build the SaaS business and life of your dreams

I’m extremely passionate about what I teach because it changed my business and my life!

I’m extremely passionate about what I teach because it
changed my business and my life!

Hi, I’m Matt Wolach. 
When I first got into SaaS sales, I thought I was going to take over the world. I was young, confident, and ambitious. I'd helped build businesses, closed deals, and I thought I knew what I was doing. When it came time to launch our product... I fell flat on my face, I couldn’t sell a thing.

And it hurt. Like, really hurt. But I didn’t take this challenge lying down. I was driven and wanted those dreams. So I read tons of sales books, listened to the sales experts, attended seminars, and more. And some of it worked, sort of... I knew if we kept just trickling along, we were never going anywhere.

Finally, it hit me: There weren’t any good “experts” in software sales. All of the methods I had read and learned about were for other industries. That’s when I created my own formula for software sales success called, The Perfect D.E.A.L. Process. We built it, refined it, and then implemented it. What were the results?

BOOM! We skyrocketed. Inc 500. Magazines. Articles. Awards. All because of this process that works INCREDIBLY well for software sales. That company eventually sold for a ton of cash (a GREAT day!). 

I've been fortunate enough to have 2 other exits using the same formula. Now I coach software founders and leaders around the world on how to skip the early-stage struggles and achieve success quicker. This process works in any market with any product!

In order to get this extensive amount of experience and knowledge you need to do one of these two things:



  • Sell software for 15 years
  • ​Start and run several SaaS companies
  • Read hundreds of sales books
  • ​Attend several sales conferences
  • ​Find and learn from the best sales mentors
  • ​Read thousands of sales blog articles
  • ​Test scripts and copy thousands of times
  • ​Listen to dozens of sales podcasts
  • ​Hear NO over and over and over and over




Take a look inside The SaaS Masterclass...

Ready To Create Your Sales Machine?

Stop trying to figure out software sales yourself. I tried that and it took years. Get the process that works and scale your company, then become an icon in your industry.
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